Want to make a spicy sauce that everyone will love? Why don’t you try making Sweet and Spicy Tahini Sauce? Try making this at your homes, and surely anyone in your family will enjoy, even your kids. It has the right spiciness and sweetness that make you swoon over its taste.
Sweet and Spicy Tahini Sauce Recipe
- 1/8 tsp paprika
- ¼ tsp salt
- ¼ cup freshly lemon juice
- ½ cup of tahini paste
- Blend together all the ingredients. If blender is not available, you can whisk them together in a big bowl. Be careful not to whisk vigorously.
- Stop when you already achieve the consistency you like.
- Keep inside the fridge for 2 days to let all ingredients set together.
Benefits of Eating Spicy Food:
Spicy food helps you to loss weight.
– Yes, spicy food can help loss all those extra weight. Spicy food can help you burn those calories. What can make it any better? You are eating and still loosing weight? Amazing, right?
You metabolism spikes up every time you eat spicy food.
– Have you noticed that when eating spicy food, you tend to eat more? It’s because your metabolism is spiking up every time you eat spicy food. You will sweat and your body temperature rises up a few notches.
Eating spicy food regularly can help you prevent cancer.
– Most spicy food have anti- cancer prevention potential in them. The capsaicin that can be found in most spicy food has been found to help slow down the growth of cancer cells. Though, most scientists feel that there’s a need for further studies about the connection between spicy food and cancer, the Indians have been long benefiting from eating it.
Spicy food may help lower blood cholesterol.
– The capsaicin which is found in most spicy food can help lower the risk of heart diseases. Thus, when you eat spicy food, you’re improving your heart’s function.
There are so many other benefits from eating spicy food. These benefits can be further enhanced if you eat those spicy food with tahini. Try this Sweet and Spicy Tahini Sauce now, and eat it with any of your favourite fry or roasted dish.