Friday, March 28

Difference between Hulled and Unhulled Tahini

Hulled seeds have their outer shell (kernel) removed. The coating on various seeds vary, some being not so useful to some being critical and valuable. So, what is the difference between hulled and unhulled tahini?



Hulled and Unhulled Sesame Seeds


Hulled seeds with their outer coating removed taste clearer, nutty and smooth. Unhulled sesame seeds have added complexity in their taste, with added crunch and bitterness.


Unhulled seeds in general work fine where hulled ones were supposed to be used. One needs to be careful though with the added crunch and bitterness in sesame seeds.


There isn’t any significant nutritional advantage when choosing unhulled over hulled seeds. Some argue that unhulled sesame seeds have 80-90% higher calcium content, but that calcium isn’t the absorbable form of calcium that can be used up by our body. There is added fiber in the unhulled tahini.



Tahini, when prepared from unhulled sesame seeds tastes bitter, and has a rougher texture. There are no great health benefits on consuming unhulled tahini, and you may choose the right kind according to prederence.


Remember though, that whatever tahini you choose, appropriate use is always preferred. The difference between hulled and unhulled tahini is the shell or kernel, but they both taste delicious and good. Tahini, no matter how it is prepared is and will always be a super food.