What is the Spicy Tahini?
Spicy Tahini sauce? Yes, You heard it right! Why not? Put some twist with your usual spicy condiments in inside your fridge. And prepare a glass of water of this hot tahini sauce! What is the spicy tahini?
Middle Eastern people, especially Arab people, love to eat spicy cuisine. Even in Asian countries, like Korean, Japanese, Thailand, and China are big fan of hot and spicy cuisine. A sweet and sour tahini dressing sounds good, ayt? How about sweet and spicy tahini dressing? Better! Extraordinary!
Spicy tahini is common to Arab and Asian countries. These people always go out of the usual cuisine and always make a twist on their own. These spicy tahini sauce is not only perfect for you salad dressing, but also for you dishes like fish, meat, chicken, and vegetable