Monday, March 31

Author: tahini

Can you Freeze Tahini Sauce?

Can you Freeze Tahini Sauce?

Tahini How To, Tahini Secrets, Tahini Tips
We have all had that jar of Tahini bought for the occasional Hummus. Tahini is loved by everyone, with its enjoyable nutty texture based on sesame seeds. It is a common ingredient in many middle-eastern recipes, and used mostly in small amounts. But we usually buy them in jars or make them in bulk, the problem now is, can you freeze tahini sauce?   Well we’ve good news. There is no need to discard those half used jars. Tahini can remain fresh for long, and here are few details to focus on while you prepare to store it.     How to Freeze Tahini   Freezing Tahini is as straightforward as it can be. You might need freezer bags or an ice tray optionally.   Here are some ways to do that.   Tahini can be directly frozen in the jar
Is Tahini good for your Paleo diet?

Is Tahini good for your Paleo diet?

Tahini Health, Tahini Secrets, Tahini Tips
Modern Paleo diet consists of the Paleolithic era, which was around 10,000 years ago. It is supposed to comprise of the ingredients that were consumed in that era. That is, the things that can be hunted or gathered. Paleo is thus also known as hunter-gatherer diet or stone-age diet. And because tahini is such a tasty sauce, you wonder, Is tahini good for your paleo diet?   Paleo (diet) aims for a healthy lifestyle, with fewer carbohydrates, and a balance between omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Overly processed food is generally not considered paleo. Is Tahini good for your Paleo diet?         Why tahini is considered Paleo?   The key ingredient in tahini sauce is Sesame seed. They are rich in nutrients and have been eaten since thous
Difference between Hulled and Unhulled Tahini

Difference between Hulled and Unhulled Tahini

Tahini Recipes, Tahini Secrets, Vegan Tahini
Hulled seeds have their outer shell (kernel) removed. The coating on various seeds vary, some being not so useful to some being critical and valuable. So, what is the difference between hulled and unhulled tahini?     Hulled and Unhulled Sesame Seeds   Hulled seeds with their outer coating removed taste clearer, nutty and smooth. Unhulled sesame seeds have added complexity in their taste, with added crunch and bitterness.   Unhulled seeds in general work fine where hulled ones were supposed to be used. One needs to be careful though with the added crunch and bitterness in sesame seeds.   There isn’t any significant nutritional advantage when choosing unhulled over hulled seeds. Some argue that unhulled sesame seeds have 80-90% higher calc
What is Tahini made out of?

What is Tahini made out of?

Tahini Health, Tahini Recipes, Tahini Secrets
Tahini's tasty and healthy. Whatever you do with it, or whatever you pair with it, you'd always end up with a great dish. It's just so healthy that you won't feel guilty engorging yourself on it. Now, you and I both know that it is a wonder what is tahini made out of? What's the secret ingredient of this wonder paste?   What is Tahini's secret ingredient?   The tahini is made out of sesame seeds. These seeds are toasted ground hulled sesame seeds. The seeds are soaked in water and ground after. They ground the seeds after to separate the bran.     Some tahinis are made from hulled sesame seed or unhulled ones. It's ground according to the maker's preferred consistency. Sometimes, fresh juices are added, or oils like olive oil. Spices are also added ...
Tahini:  A New Saucy Craze

Tahini: A New Saucy Craze

Tahini Health, Tahini Secrets, Tahini Tips
As days go by, more and more people are discovering a sauce that they’d love to use in all of their dishes! What’s the new saucy craze everybody’s going loco over? It’s TAHINI! A sesame paste people are using as a replacement for salad dressings, sauces and more! It’s a tasty and healthy condiment.   Tahini or sesame paste came from ground sesame seeds that are toasted. Sesame seeds have been known to have health benefits. It has a peanut butter consistency and excellent taste. Many people often use it as a dip or sauce for famous and typical dishes. Some people are making it in their homes and add their preferred ingredients to enhance its taste. You can make a pasta sauce or dress your fresh salads with it.   Some blend it with garlic and chickpeas to form hummus. L
Tahini Kale Salad Recipe

Tahini Kale Salad Recipe

Tahini Health, Tahini Recipes, Vegan Tahini
If you haven’t tried a kale salad yet or anything kale, you have to give it a try now. Kale or leaf cabbage is packed with nutrients that make it one of the healthiest food on earth. If you combine this with tahini, it would be more nutritious. Let me teach you few tahini kale salad recipes!   Possible health benefits include control of diabetes, lowering blood pressure, and slowing the risk of cancer. This green veggie is considered the ‘queen of greens’ due to its cheapness yet high-quality features.   Eating kale with your favorite tahini sesame paste makes it more unique and healthier. Pairing two of the healthiest food is a very good idea for those who are on their serious diet. You can never go wrong with a tahini kale salad either eating it raw or half-cooked.
Tahini Chicken Recipes you can try!

Tahini Chicken Recipes you can try!

Tahini Health, Tahini Recipes, Tahini Secrets
Tahini or sesame paste is a versatile type of paste commonly found in healthy and delicious dishes. Due to its exceptional health benefits, it’s considered as an excellent food companion. Packed with vitamins and minerals, tahini has always been a favorite even in the ancient times. That's why, tahini chicken recipe is such a fad right now!   Tahini can be paired with almost every dish. It tastes like a mix of Asian and Mediterranean sauce but is made of sesame seeds. From hummus to salads, sandwiches and some common meats, tahini is a super food.   Chicken, as one of its companions, creates almost a perfect match with tahini. Both chicken and Tahini is an excellent source of protein and essential vitamins and minerals. Chicken is an affordable source of high-quality
Where can you buy Tahini?

Where can you buy Tahini?

Tahini - Where To Buy, Tahini Brands, Tahini Stores, Uncategorized
Tahini’s used to replace sauces and others. The nutty taste and nutrients found in tahini make it such a hit. Tahini gives a nutty and creamy kick in several dishes with lemon juice and other spices. You can try spreading it on your toast as a replacement for usual sandwich spreads. Now, you are asking, where can you buy Tahini? Tahini, where to buy?   You may know a lot, but do you know where to buy tahini? When you’re not living in the Middle East or Asian country, it might be hard to find tahini in your grocery stores. It may be wise to ask the store’s crew, but where’s the adventure in that? Try these different sections in your local grocery store to find tahini:       Condiments section     Ethnic spices section     Refrigerator section     Spre
The Best Tahini Brands

The Best Tahini Brands

Tahini - Where To Buy, Tahini Brands, Tahini Stores
The Tahini is a kitchen staple for people who live and have lived in the Middle East. The rest of the world though is unfamiliar with this amazing food. Only a few of Non - Middle Eastern people are familiar with it. People who might have had it during their visit to the Middle East, or have tried it alongside with salad at Middle Eastern Restaurants. So, what are the best tahini brands that you can buy on the market?    The paste or sauce is gaining popularity among food enthusiasts these past few years. Still, most are apprehensive in trying it. Let me tell you something though, Tahini is something that is worth to try in your dishes. You can practically use it at every meal - from breakfast to dinner, and even snacks.   I probably have your attention now, right? You ar